Sunday, July 18, 2010

Third post in which I apologize for not posting and babble. A lot.

*coughs awkwardly* Ah...Hello, there.
*Long awkward silence* I'm really sorry. Really sorry.
I mean, I should know better! I need to post more often. That is my job as a blogger. *Sighs* I'm sorry.
1. Permit test.
You may ask how it went. I may answer you. Nah, I will answer if you ask.
Took it three times, finally passed the third time. That resulted in hysterical laughter and flailing of happiness. YAY. I'm officially a 'G' according to my permit. Although, I think I've always been a Gangsta. Just an unlicensed one. *Gangsta arm flail*
2. Library work.
But the work?
THERE ARE SO MANY NUMBERS. DX how can there be so many numbers in a land of books? Who needs order, anyways? ....*is a slob*
I lied about babbling a lot. I'm done, since I can't think of anything else...

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Second Post in which I babble about my permit test tomorrow

First of all: EUGH.
Second of all: Nooooooo! I don't want to take it! Don't make me!!! Nooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo *fades out*
Third of all: Tomorrow? I have to take it tomorrow. Crap.

So, yeah. I'm a sixteen-year-old without my permit and with a car. Yeah, yeah, I know. Quit nagging me! I don't want to take it!
Huh? Reasons? *Shrugs* Alright.
One: I don't want to....Squish people. It's just something that's not appealing to me. If you know me, you already know I have problems walking, even. So how do people expect me to drive without being like, "Oh, was that a speedbump? Hm. The ground's all red......Uh oh." Bad idea.
Two: It's a test. Who wants to take a test? (Random person: Oooooo! ME! *flails arm around*) *throws a frozen pancake at them* It was a rhetorical question. (*Whimpering in the background*)
Final. REASSSSOOOONNN! : Studying. It's so borrring. So boring. *huffs* Seriously the book is like fifty pages long of boring-ness and evil driving information. Can't I just read a book? (Parents: NO.) But! (NO.) Pleaaaaaase?? (TAKE YOUR FRICKEN PERMIT ALREADY) *grumbles* Fine.

So, yeah. Those are my exciting reasons. I'm gonna go study now. Gross.

Monday, July 5, 2010

First post which should suck random people in (that's what she said) but will ultimately fail.

Hi. How are you?
Me? Oh, I'm pretty good as of late. Thanks for asking, you're too kind!

....But yes, I'd be that weird blue-haired girl who's name is Toni.
I like staying home by a cozy fire, long walks on the beach, my cat Mittens.....
No, I'm only kidding. I live in a 110 degree and up hell-y heat place, with no beaches, and I'm a dog person. So yeah, I'm a huge nerd and will probably be babble about books along with my random life. I babble a lot.
So...Reason I started the whole blog shebang? Um, well I tried to blog when I was twelve or so and just stopped because I got bored and nobody commented and stupid reasons like that. Now my best friend is starting a blog and I decided I would join her. *Shrugs* I figure I have a larger attention span now. So... I'm a conformist and a copy-cat. =P

Kay. So now I'm ready to leave. So.... *awkward grin* Goodbye possible viewers! Hope you have a great life and find a little enjoyment in my blog. If you read it. *Waves*